We have a pumpkin carving tradition at Preschool. Each class will receive a pumpkin and create their own design. In addition, there is a pumpkin carving festival for families.

If you would like to share your design, this will run from Monday to Thursday (23rd- 26th). You are to place your pumpkin by your child’s class flower/vegetable plot at the front of the school. As your pumpkins will be placed outside, try to make sure there aren’t any parts which could be blown away or easily damaged. Make sure you label your pumpkin, so we know who it belongs to. Any pumpkins left at the end of Friday will be disposed of by the school. 

In addition, Friday the 27th of October is a Halloween Party and a non-uniform day.  Children can come dressed in a Halloween costume of their choice. There will be a class party and the preschool will provide the treats.

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