British International School Gdańsk

Szymon Paśko from class 6 won the finalist title in the 11th edition of GRM “Reading develops, reading enriches” for students of classes 4-6 of primary schools.

Sebastian Grisdale and Piotr Sasin also received high results in their respective categories.

Pola Paśko from class 3 received a distinction in the 7th edition of the Great Reading Marathon for the Youngest “Meet New Friends” for pupils from the second to third grade.

Szymon Paśko from class 5 won the title of finalist in the 10th edition of WMC “Reading develops, enriches reading” for students of grades IV – VI of primary schools.

Szymon Paśko from class 4 received the title of finalist in the 9th edition of the Reading Marathon for grades 4-6, scoring 131 out of 160 points. The distinction was awarded to Sebastian Grisdale with 120 points.

In classes 2-3 section, Pola Paśko received a distinction with 133/158 points


Out of all of our fervorous readers, our student Szymon Paśko has been titled a finalist in this year’s edition of the Reading Marathon, gaining 145 out of 160 points in classes 2-3 section. Kaja Woźnica and Sebastian Grisdale have both received distinctions.

In section 4-6, Monika Kowalczyk have been awarded a distinction.


In the 2015/2016 school year our students took part in the Reading Marathon and did very well. Special congratulations to Monika Kowalczyk (BISG class 5 student) who has received the recognition from the Reading Marathon organisers for her fantastic result and took part in the official gala held on June 7th.