British International School Gdańsk


Polish for Native Speakers
Polish as Foreign Language - PFL


t BISG, we work not only with children who are first language Polish speakers but we also have extensive experience in working with students who have joined our school with little, or no Polish.

Some students are bilingual or even trilingual at the point when they join our school and so our lessons enable students to continue to develop these language skills.

We also have a number of Polish returnees – Polish families who have lived abroad but have returned to Poland. Our lessons enable these students to refresh, rebuild and develop their first language foundations too.

To non-Polish students we offer PFL lessons, Polish as a Foreign Language, five times a week.

Polish lessons at BISG take place in accordance with the Polish core curriculum, which includes 4 educational goals.

Within these areas, we create and implement detailed lesson-content so that throughout the school, students are being effectively prepared for their class eight exams.

Four Goals in Polish Education

Goals in Preschool
Literary and Cultural Education
Goals in Preschool
Language Education
Goals in Preschool
Forming an Expression
Goals in Preschool